THE LAW OF ALIGNMENT" Money is Power, but Alignment is an Indestructible Power" - by Dani Lama1/4/2025 THE LAW OF ALIGNMENT "Money is Power, but Alignment is an Indestructible Power" Something you might not know about me is I love breakfast. I love it all the time. Allow me to use my love of waffles to teach the law of alignment and defend my claim that money is power, but alignment is an indestructible power. In the simplest metaphor of how the law of alignment works, if you want waffles at a diner or restaurant then you go to a diner or restaurant that serves them, and at the correct time of day. Sounds pretty obvious, doesn't it? And yet how many people are frustrated that when they ask for such, the restaurant says no? Why might that be? Perhaps, they could ask themselves why the restaurant is telling them no instead of complaining or ranting? Why do they not pause and ask themselves if they are even at a place that sells them? Or, if they do sell them, have they arrived on the wrong day or wrong time of day when waffles aren't sold? One of my favorite shifts to work as an employee or as a customer at any restaurant is Sunday or breakfast shifts of any kind, because I LOVE BREAKFAST. I aim to get waffles weekly as a personal goal and I know working at a place or being a customer at a place that sells breakfast is definitely going to help me reach my goals. Why? Because I am smart enough to be where the waffles are of course. One could argue to bribe the cooks and although it might work, it is certainly not a practical long-term solution. Sufficient to say, if I want these waffles regularly etc., then the smartest decision would be where the waffles are and not pout that no matter how times you return to the restaurant and ask for such can't ever seem to get them. In this way, I am sure to get what I want every single time. This is a simple example of how the law of alignment works in the real world and also supports my claim this law is more powerful than money alone. Simply said, if you want waffles then go to where the waffles are. It is all about alignment. If you are aligned with a want that another can provide, and they have a need to provide you what you need, then you are in alignment. You want waffles. They have waffles. Case in point. Bring your favorite book and sit in the coziest corner of the restaurant and get those waffles. Speaking of books, one of the most transformative books I have ever read, that coincidentally fell into my life due to alignment; is the amazing book by Ayn Rand called "Atlas Shrugged". In later years you may have come upon this story when it was produced into a popular film at the box office. As good as the movie was, I would personally argue that the book was more impactful to me. You would definitely need to be a committed reader, because this book even with a tiny font was a super long read. Mathematically, a book with a tiny font can fit more words to a page, thus making it "fewer pages", and yet this story was still well over 1100 pages. You would also have to be crazy enough to complete reading it in under a week like I did. Why would I dare such a feat? That is a story for another time. Nevertheless, this book tells an intriguing story about the philosophical law of alignment through the eyes of the two main characters which we will get to in a moment. All in all, this book is a great read that touches on many philosophies and schools of thought. In this article I choose to focus on the law of alignment and introduce you to a very tenacious woman and main character in the book named Dagny Taggart. Her family owned a prestigious railroad company called the John Galt Line. There came a time when the rails were in need of desperate repair to keep the railroad functioning which meant new steel was needed to be purchased. Dagny had a big problem. There was no money for such a venture and without the steel, this railroad company would go belly up. This was indeed a big problem. How was she to repair the railroad without any money for steel? Meanwhile, across town, there was another company ahead of their time that developed a very special "new" kind of steel manufactured by an influential businessman by the name of Hank Reardon. Mr. Reardon was excited to make his mark in the world by transforming the entire railroad industry. He was confident that his transformative version of steel would be tremendously successful and internationally embraced the moment it hit the market. Believing his steel product was going to be an instant success; after all, who wouldn't want the latest and greatest steel quickly changed direction. To Mr. Reardon's utter surprise, deal after deal was falling through. How can this be? To his shock, there was a lot of push back on his "new steel technology", because it was never heard of before. Additionally, he didn't have any railroad already using it. No company to prove how great the steel was. No one wanted to take the risk, and no one wanted to go first. This was certainly a problem. How could he get someone to go first with his steel so he could prove how amazing it truly was? As time marched on and the bills were piling up, fears of inevitable failure began to fill both Mr. Readon's and Ms. Taggart's minds about their individual and independent predicaments. What were they both to do? Both were stuck. As the story continues, these two savvy individuals independently enlisted in the belief of "where there is a will there's a way" and instead of crying and giving up, used their tenacity, intuition and grit to find a solution on their own. Their mindsets each changed or forced to change rather, to be more creative and open minded if they wanted to succeed. Desperation can truly inspire one to take roads less travelled for solutions and they both started asking themselves what other ways their needs could be accomplished. And as luck would have it, or as I would say "alignment" would have it, these two met and recognized the galvanizing solution was to join forces; which by so doing, changed the entire railroad industry in this story How, might you ask, was this was successful or how did they both triumph if Dagny didn't have money to buy the steel and Mr. Reardon needed money to provide it? That is a valid question. You see, Dagny aligned her needs/desperation with Mr. Reardon's in equal measure. And by both of them opening up their belief system to consider broader ideas and solutions, they came into a union and a united front. A perfect alignment. Neither had ever considered a collaboration like this until now, but a collaboration was exactly the ticket. Because Ms. Taggert's massively large railroad was now going to go first with steel, she could save her railroad, and Mr. Reardon could now have someone to go first; thusly proving to the world that his steel is good. She had nothing to prove because her railroad was potentially going to go down anyway and Mr. Reardon had everything to prove. So Ms. Taggert got her steel for free, and Mr. Reardon had his first client. BAM. Both were aligned in such powerful self -focused personal gain. In this perfect union, each would do their absolute best to follow through. Why? Because their failure or success were intertwined, they were bound as strong as "steel"; far stronger than that of a handshake or a pinkie promise. This kind of alignment became more powerful than money and certainly is an indestructible power between them. So much so, that there wasn't anything, person, or resource they wouldn't bring to the table to see its success. With nothing left on the table, including personal favors and/or connections to make things happen, success was a perfectly aligned energetic match. It guaranteed their success and as the story unfolds, it was as such. This is the law of alignment. Anyone who can find a collaboration/alignment where each has the solution of the other through the need of their own, nothing can put it asunder. If you are stuck, then you aren't in alignment. Don't quit, ask more questions. Broaden your creativity and processes. There is always a solution. There is always an alignment. Money is good, but alignment is always better. Make your dreams a reality. Love, Dani
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