Dani Lama's School of Divination and Energy Healing
Grounding, Frequency and Vibration
What is the Difference?
Grounding, Frequency, and Vibration. We have heard these words used often and interchangeably, but what do they mean and are they all saying the same thing? They are all referencing energy, so they have that in common except one thing; each is pointing to a different one.
Instead of defining them out right, let's take a little journey in philosophical concepts and I bet you will be able to pick this up quite quickly and explain the differences of grounding, frequency, and vibration.
Let's begin this study with a metaphor.
We have learned in the fitness world that to achieve the results we are after; we must control our actions on what we eat and what exercises to do and how often with both in the ancient game still played to this day in gyms everywhere on days their brain begs them to quit.
It's called, " Mind over matter" and they use it to win no matter how their brain or emotions feel. This is the only way and is very successful any athlete will tell you, but controlling our daily thoughts outside of these parameters is also important in controlling the mind.
We can be disciplined in a gym, but not in our personal lives in the same way. This is because our brain does a lot of the driving and not our Higher Selves.
It's like we seek intuition when we really need guidance but forget to check in to Higher Purpose in the day.
The thing is, if we were able to channel our intuition daily, we would be so much further along.
Our egos have big heads and big ideas and think they know what is best, yet so many of us don't check if the eureka idea is actually set up properly etc. So now, let's bring in the mighty brain and its mighty personality and ego.
The Brain.
Brains are an organ of the body that is forgotten at times when we are thinking. We think we are our thoughts, and we are our brain. Brains are not Self. They are organs. Their primary function is to keep us alive.
As you come to learn that your brain is not a runaway train of self, but an organ that performs functions that help keep you alive, you can turn off the thoughts and recognize them as electrical stimulants that don't need as much of your attention or the severity of attention that the electrical current the brain has suddenly chosen to give you in this very moment.
You can learn grounding techniques that help you move away from your thoughts as self, ego and brain. Grounding is another term for bringing your body into a centered stillness where you feel calm and unbothered.
In grounding you are able to be reminded that thoughts are not "self." Thoughts are electrical currents that stimulate emotions in the brain.
The more attention we give an idea/stimulant, the more emotion is produced within the body to create a body response either positive or negative depending on how your brain wants to perceive it or label it.
It is amazing how much power we give our brains/ego to make lofty big decisions in our lives and in the day to day.
Why not the hand, so if it feels something it likes, wouldn't it just take what it is holding and steal it, no? Then why do we give so much power and authority to our brain? Makes you think doesn't it.
Now the brain and ego aren't all that bad. They serve a lot of purposes such keeping us alive in times of danger and that's for another discussion.
Let's focus on the brain and ego's excellent skills of positive stimuli which then create positive energy and then positive emotions and actions.
It can create so much energy and life force, that it wants to manifest and be fulfilled for your greatest good. It is what we call motivation and drive.
And as this gives us warm fuzzies, we must remember its counterpart or contrast of the negative in equal measure of manifestations is also true. But now when we see it in the negative, this could be a detriment could it not?
So now we have created negative stimuli which then creates negative energy and then negative emotions creates negative actions. We can call this demotivation and lack of drive, or what?
So, then which one is right, the positive or negative?
Neither you might say, and you would be correct and also incorrect. I can explain..
So long as you are only thinking in the moment based on your mood and limited brain experience, it will be meager results at best and therefore, incorrect.
However, if your brain/ego decides to ground itself, its frequency and vibe, it will want to use its wisdom to ask its Higher Self/God/Intuition etc.
It would then be obvious that these results would be far better, therefore correct and a time saver. We all know that cutting corners without intuition makes sometimes for double the work or at the very worst a missed opportunity.
For this reason, among many reasons, it is important to learn "mind-control" so we can stop our excessive, nonproductive thinking altogether and guide it lovingly into emptiness and stillness where Higher Self/God/Intuition resides ready and waiting to aid us with open arms to make the most of our decisions, days, and the most of our lives.
In these terms, I will define it as "mind-control". Although there are other meanings to the phrase "mind control", I reserve the right to use the phrase to explain your ability of "Self- Government" of thoughts, which then can help self-govern your emotions and actions that ensue.
The term "Self -Government" means you are in charge and the "self" in this definition is your "higher-self". The wisest, most intelligent versions of yourself throughout eternities.
There are many modalities to teach a mind to focus both at home and in the everyday world where we take a moment and hold a still and silent space to feel the Now. The actual moment we are in body and invite the other senses to join us.
A disciplined routine of mind-control can give you clarity, comfort and inspiration. Oftentimes we fill our heads with so much planning, worry and thoughts that it is too full for intuition, guidance, inspiration and rest.
A blocked 3rd eye to be precise, and even other or all chakras make feeling "normal" or grounded a challenge.
One way to ground yourself is holding a yoga pose for a full minute and emptying all thoughts, all sense of self in that moment to reconnect or stare at a candle's singular burning flame whilst listening to energy healing frequencies that can be found on YouTube or holding certain energy healing crystals.
When you feel fear, worry, doubt or confusion, it is a sign that your body, mind, and soul are disconnected.
When this disconnection occurs, so does the disconnection of your intuition, chakras, prana, and chi.
All of your electrical life force can be compromised.
I call this "Life Force Dislocation."
This is when your energies are separated to a point you can't feel you. There is a feeling of lack of energy, hope, understanding that can go all the way down to despair.
Despair has its own path that can even go as far as, hate to say it... suicide. There is no shame in any of these thoughts or emotions, but it is important to know how we get there both in the positive and in the negative. It is not hard to go very low or very high when you are in alignment for either.
People that can ground their energies and connect to their higher purpose are less tired, less stressed, sleep better and have things work out for them far more often because they feel fully connected to themselves and their intuition. They feel better and their vibe that other people pick up on also feels better.
Signs that a person is grounded is they are able to tap into a space of inner play, self-love, and guided direction from their Higher Self/Consciousness/Intuition/Spirit/God/Guardian Angels/Spirit Guides. In this vibration/frequency their energy is a zest for life without measure.
Being grounded is even more satisfying than that of the frequency of happiness or joy. Thats because "too much happiness" prolonged and create too much stimulation equally to its opposite. Serenity, and calm is the highest vibration and the most healing. This is where we desire to be.
Frequency and Vibration are hand in hand, but not the same. Frequency is the measurement of HZ that a sound is putting within or without the body.
Using certain frequencies as researched by NASA have found that the cells of our body can heal better and restore their vitality with certain frequencies.
It is also proven that specific frequencies can channel our specific chakras, prana and chi keeping us healthier.
Vibration is the body's response to frequencies, thoughts and emotions. That's why you can feel someone's vibration and we are immediately drawn to them or repelled by them. Their "vibe" or vibration is a response to the frequency they are in.
That is why music for example or fitness can be a "pick me up" so to speak. It changes someone's frame of mind which then sends emotional signals to the body and so forth.
This goes without saying that even the opposite of this is true. Your vibe can be easily manipulated. That's why if you struggle with receiving intuition, it might be because you aren't grounded and your frequencies are too low, thus making your "vibe" low too. Intuition can't be heard in a low vibration.
Consider this metaphor of a guitar.
On a fretboard if you hold down a string it can only play a low note. That means no high notes can come through because there is part of that string weighing it down, such as a string or chord bar that can hold all the strings down to restrict sound to a specific octive.
On the other hand, if we keep the string pressed so that only high notes can be played, it blocks the low notes. That means no low notes can be played.
It is the same with vibration. If a frequency can raise a person's overall vibe, then lower frequencies and lower emotions such as fear, and anger can't be played.
In this moment of a higher vibe, Higher Self would be able to connect whereas it wasn't able to before. This is why people say they can't feel anything, or God isn't listening, or they can't get an answer. It is none of those things. That is like saying their guitar won't play this note or that note when merely they aren't holding the string down correctly or we have a octave bar blocking the note to vibrate much like someone's environment "vibe" or thought processes are to low/negative.
So Higher Self is accessible to all of us all the time and as long as we want if we are able to set the intention of grounding, frequency and vibration on a constant daily basis, and not when we are beyond our own emotions to think straight. At those times it would be even harder to channel, would it not?
When we are at our highest frequency, we are able to learn things that can only be grasped in a higher frequency and higher intuition; thus, enabling us to reach even higher heights that cannot be attained without even a much higher frequency.
And yet another metaphor... You are welcome.
It's like when a child is tall enough to reach the kitchen sink to get a glass of water, they can drink as much and as often as they want. The water was always there. The sink never moved, and the water never stopped. It is only their ability to reach that was and still is the variable.
Access to the water is constant. And so, we too, as we reach greater spiritual heights, can grasp truths and concepts that used to be too high for us. And those that listen to intuition can just grab a chair and reach it sooner. Genius.
Often the solutions to your problems are much easier than you think. That is because thinking is with the brain, and it can only work with what it knows.
The Higher Self, however, can use all its stored wisdom and experiences in its vast library of resources from your higher being, other past lives, wisdom and experiences.
That means that we no longer want to allow our brain to reinvent the wheel. Instead we should have our intuition/Higher Self attach this "already-made-wheel" to our wagon to journey faster and with ease.
For as the wheel was already created from other life experiences that include past lives, why would we frustrate our journey, path and goals to relearn lessons or redo steps?
Well, we just wouldn't. Or do we, because we don't realize that we have it within us? Hmm now that's a question of a higher vibration, isn't it?
So frequency, vibration, and grounding together allow you to accomplish things far faster than asking your brain -- the organ that was born a few years back like the rest of your organs or ... the ultimate wisdom of all your past lives and experiences? I would choose my higher self...personally.
Some Grounding Affirmations
I can think again in a few minutes, but for now I drop my brain from my body and close my eyes and breathe while taking in a song, a frequency or silence.
What I am feeling might not match what I am hearing so I am going to slow down and allow the emotion to pass before I make any decisions.
Before I make any decisions, let me ground my energy so I am thinking with my Higher Self and not my brain/ego because it doesn't always have all the answers even if I am thinking I have a great idea at hand.
I like to start my day grounding my energy before I open emails or have important phone calls or discussions. This way I am responding in intuition and not emotion from my brain.
Brains like to interpret a lot of things into good or bad and then assign an emotion to it. I am going to let my Higher Self make the decisions and will ground my energy to tap into it.
I will sit in silence and ask a question to receive the answer and not look for it. I will conserve my energy by waiting upon my intuition to answer my question.
Hope that gives you clarity
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This is the app I was talking about. Each session is only 12 mins long and I never start my day without it. Everyday there is a new session, and you can even pick a different day. All 365 days are listed all the time. It has binaural beats in it and stem cell regeneration frequencies, so not only is it grounding you, but it is healing you as well. Immune system stabilizing.
There is a sample that is 90 seconds long. I heard it randomly while scrolling and I couldn't believe how this sounds what makes me feel and nothing like I have ever listened to on the internet. Anything that could hold me in immediate peace instantly had me at hello. Highly recommend and it is part of my everyday life.
There is a sample that is 90 seconds long. I heard it randomly while scrolling and I couldn't believe how this sounds what makes me feel and nothing like I have ever listened to on the internet. Anything that could hold me in immediate peace instantly had me at hello. Highly recommend and it is part of my everyday life.